10 Most Common Real Estate Tax Filing Mistakes
Improve your chances of success. Avoid these 10 mistakes and you are on your way to successful hearing at an Ohio Board of Revision hearing.

Realtors, Save Your Clients Money!
Realtors are in a special position to help clients save money. Clients who have purchased real estate since January 1, 2015 might be able to

Ohio Real Estate Tax Basics
Have You Challenged Your Property Valuation Lately?
If you have not challenged your real estate valuation in several years, you might be m

Filer Beware! New Case Offers Instruction.
In Ohio, property owners can make simple mistakes on a tax valuation complaint (DTE Form 1). These mistakes can can be costly.

Ohio Changes Real Estate Tax Appeal Process
A recent legislative change alters the appeal process once the Board of Tax Appeals renders its decision on real estate valuation cases.

Property Owners: Watch Your Mail for a Tax Increase Complaint!
In Ohio, School Boards can file complaints asking the assessor or auditor to increase a property’s value. School Boards all around the State

Time is Running Out to Appeal Ohio Real Property Tax Values
Medina County, Ohio Treasurer John Burke, a board of revision member offers insight about the March 31st deadline to challenge the County

Why a Divorce Might be a Good Time to Evaluate Real a Real Property Tax Bill
As an attorney representing a husband or wife in a divorce case, the marital home’s value can become a central issue. If the home is profess

Ohio Real Property Conveyance Fee Statement: Don't Forget the Personal Property!
Don't Inflate the Value of the Real Estate by Failing to Allocate the Value of Personal Property in a Sale Transaction on Ohio's Con

Have You Purchased Commercial Real Estate in Ohio since January 1, 2015?
SUMMARY: (1) If you’ve purchased real estate in Ohio after January 1, 2014, you need to determine if your county has accurately valued your