10 Most Common Real Estate Tax Filing Mistakes
Improve your chances of success. Avoid these 10 mistakes and you are on your way to successful hearing at an Ohio Board of Revision hearing.

Several Ohio counties will be announcing new real estate values for the 2018 tax year. Don't miss an opportunity to save money.

Ohio Landlords: Have you registered your rental property with the County?
Landlords have to comply with many laws, whether set out by the federal, state, county or city governments. One such requirement in Ohio req

Equity Trust's Blog Posted One of My Articles To Educate Real Estate Investors
This article educates real estate investors about real estate taxes and how an investor might challenge an overvalued asset.

Realtors, Save Your Clients Money!
Realtors are in a special position to help clients save money. Clients who have purchased real estate since January 1, 2015 might be able to

Ohio Real Estate Tax Basics
Have You Challenged Your Property Valuation Lately?
If you have not challenged your real estate valuation in several years, you might be m

Filer Beware! New Case Offers Instruction.
In Ohio, property owners can make simple mistakes on a tax valuation complaint (DTE Form 1). These mistakes can can be costly.

Ohio's Tax Appeal Filing Deadline: March 31, 2018
In Ohio, if you think your 2017 property tax valuation is too high, you have until March 31st to challenge the county's value. Â
And if

9 Reasons You Should Call a Real Estate Tax Attorney!
If any of the following scenarios applies, you should evaluate the accuracy of your real estate’s assessed value.
You purchased real estat

Ohio Changes Real Estate Tax Appeal Process
A recent legislative change alters the appeal process once the Board of Tax Appeals renders its decision on real estate valuation cases.