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Services: Focused on Ohio Real Estate Tax Law

Our firm handles Board of Revision and Board of Tax Appeal cases throughout Ohio.

The Steve Nowak Law, LLC firm advocates for real estate property owners in property tax valuation matters throughout all of Ohio's 88 counties--from Hamilton County in the southwest to Ashtabula County in the northeast and from Williams County in the northwest to Washington County in the southeast.  


While these property value cases are simple in concept, they touch a range of legal issues and requires knowledge of the details of appraisal valuation practice and methods. And both the Board of Tax Appeals and the Supreme Court of Ohio issue decisions on an on-going basis that can significantly change how a particular case should be argued or presented.


It is frustrating to see how many cases are dismissed at the Board of Revision level because the Department of Taxation's complaint form was not correctly completed or signed by a person authorized by Ohio statute. It is even more discouraging to see how many cases the Board of Tax Appeals dismisses because a property owner failed to file the notice of appeal on the County Board of Revision as required by statute. These simple mistakes can have significant impacts.


Our experience with the law and knowledge of the appraisal process helps our clients avoid the numerous pitfalls that can sometimes leave a property owner without any recourse for three years. Under Ohio law, a property owner can only challenge the County's valuation of their property once every triennial period. Click here for the State of Ohio's schedule. Note that there are four exceptions to this rule set forth in R.C. 5715.19(A)(2).


In short, we help clients lower their real estate tax burdens on a variety of property types:


• Office buildings;

• Apartment buildings;

• Federally subsidized or incentivized  apartment properties;

• Hotels;

• Retail;

• Industrial;

• Healthcare, nursing homes and assisted care facilities;

• Single family residential; and

• Special use properties for which there may be no market at all.


We have a wide range of experience in successfully handling client’s real estate tax complaints from start to finish. If you were unsuccessful at the local Board of Revision hearing and received either a "no change" decision or were otherwise unhappy with the results, contact Steve Nowak Law, LLC. We can pick up your case on appeal. And we offer contingent, hourly or flat fee compensation terms. Call us and we would be more than happy to walk you through your options.

DISCLAIMER:  Steve Nowak Law, LLC maintains this website for informational purposes. This website does not contain legal advice. Viewing this site, using information from it, or communicating with Steve Nowak Law, LLC through this site or by email does not create an attorney-client relationship between you & Steve Nowak or Steve Nowak Law, LLC.

© 2017 Steve Nowak Law, LLC
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